Welcome to another week of 'What I Eat.' I hope everyone is enjoying all the local, fresh food in the grocery stores! It's definitely preserving season, for those of us who dry, can, and/or freeze fruits and vegetables while they are in season. Last week I had the pleasure of helping friends process their fall honey from their beehives, which was a lot of fun! An easy start to preserving would be to try making fridge pickles. Breakfast - Crispbread, Sunflower Seed Butter, and Nectarines After trying and trying to find these crackers online, I gave up. I had no problem finding the other flavour in the same line (the ones I prefer are the regular sea salt flavour). These crispbreads are pretty popular with my friends and family, and (somewhat) reasonably priced. Lunch - Hummus and Rice Chips I slept in and didn't have time to make lunch, so I picked these up at the grocery store while I was out running errands. I ate an orange afterwards, just to make sure I didn't get scurvy. Of course, it was an orange that was transported all the way from South Africa, so I didn't do the environment any favours. It was organic, though. You can't win 'em all! ;) You can find both these products in many of the grocery stores in North Bay. I think 'Sante Fe Barbeque' is definitely the best Lundberg rice chip flavour. Dinner - Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, and Carrots
This delicious meal was prepared by my dear friend, Sarah. Throwing root vegetables in with your roast makes a hearty dinner incredibly easy. In this instance Sarah's roast filled her entire slow cooker, so she steamed the carrots, and then boiled and mashed the potatoes.
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What I EatI want to give you an idea of how to eat healthfully on a restricted diet, without a lot of work, by showing you how I eat! I eat strictly gluten-free. You'll find A LOT of veggies in this blog! I eat both fish and meat a few times a week (local and/or humane, whenever possible), and dairy when I'm visiting family and friends, or eating out. I hope you find this blog inspiring and interesting!
July 2024