Wondering if you have a concern that a naturopathic doctor can address? Naturopathic medicine is able to meet your interests, either in preventing disease or helping you become as healthy as you can be. Naturopathic Doctors are primary health care practitioners, which means that they can treat many of the same conditions as a family doctor. In the event that a Naturopathic Doctor is unable to treat your condition, he or she will refer appropriately.
Over the years, Dielle has developed a special interest in the following:
Trauma-Informed Care
Complex Chronic Disease – Including experience working in conjunction with specialist teams
Pediatrics - Including a pediatric internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic
Preventative Medicine/Healthy Aging, including:
Blood Sugar Regulation/Fatty Liver/Diabetes
Preserving Cognition
Cholesterol Balance/Dyslipidemia
Bone Density (Osteoporosis)
Digestive Tract, including:
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Infections of the Digestive Tract (Parasites and Pathogenic Bacteria, including C. Difficile)
Headaches (Chronic, Tension, Migraine, Cluster, and Trigeminal Neuralgia)
Systemic Pain Syndromes – Nerve Pain
Autoimmune Disease/Immune System Imbalance, including:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Hidradenitis supparativa
Environmental Allergies
Reproductive Organs and Hormones, including:
Painful/Heavy/Irregular Menstruation
Pain During Sex
Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis
Energy Concerns, including:
'Adrenal Fatigue or Insufficiency’ – now known as HPA Axis Dysfunction
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Anemia/Iron Deficiency/Hemochromatosis
Circadian Rhythm Balance
Urinary System, including:
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome
Kidney Dysfunction, including:
IgA Nephropathy
Diabetic Nephropathy
Heart Rhythm
Atrial Fibrillation
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Comprehensive Testing Including comprehensive digestive stool analysis, saliva and urine hormone testing (cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, etc.), food sensitivity, candida, SIBO testing, and numerous other metabolites and biomarkers; along with many of the same tests your medical doctor can order.
Botanical Medicine Utilizing the pharmacological and energetic properties of plants. Treatments may include tinctures, capsules, teas, and external applications.
Acupuncture Involving the insertion of hair-thin needles to balance the energy ('Qi' or 'Chi') of the body via meridian pathways that have been used for thousands of years. Acupuncture can be used to enhance general health (via assessment of your general state, along with a Traditional Asian Medicine assessment of your tongue and pulses) or to treat treat local concerns (such as jaw pain).
Clinical Nutrition Clinical Nutrition examines the relationship between diet and health. Individualized food plans may be recommended. Treatment may include nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutraceuticals.
Homeopathy Founded in the 19th century, this practice is based on using minute doses of substances, prepared in a very specific way, that prompt the restoration of balance in the body.
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
First Do No Harm
Use of methods and medicines that minimize the risk of harmful side effects;
Use the least force necessary to diagnose and treat;
Avoid, when possible, the harmful suppressing of symptoms; and
Acknowledge, respect and work with the individual self-healing process.
Identify and Treat the Causes
In addition to alleviating acute and chronic symptoms of disease, NDs
seek to identify and remove underlying causes of illness. Rather than
merely eliminating or suppressing symptoms, this approach moves the body
toward maintaining an optimal state of health.
Doctor as Teacher
NDs work collaboratively with patients by sharing knowledge and
information to create a successful treatment plan. Patients are
encouraged to take responsibility for their own optimal health.
Treat the Whole Person
In addition to addressing specific complaints or symptoms, NDs look at
the ‘whole picture’. The physical, mental, emotional, genetic,
environmental and social factors contributing to the health of each
individual patient are thoroughly considered.
Emphasize Prevention
NDs emphasize prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity
and susceptibility to disease in each patient. Appropriate
interventions can then be made in partnership with patients to prevent
Support the Healing Power of the Body The
practice of Naturopathic Medicine recognizes an ordered and intelligent
self-healing process that is inherent to every individual. NDs work to
identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery and to facilitate
this natural self-healing process.