Now that spring is here, who else is excited about eating a whole lot more fresh fruits and vegetables? I got the garden started this weekend, and I'm very much looking forward to visiting the Farmers' Market. Breakfast - Fried Radishes, Grapefruit, and 'Cheese' Bread Every once in a while I get a citrus craving that can't be ignored. I sliced up the radishes and fried them in avocado oil in my cast iron frying pan. If you're like me, and thought you hated radishes, try them fried (they're delicious)!. Details on the bread itself below, but it's got Daiya Mozzarella Style Shreds melted on it. I decided to take another crack at making my own bread. It wasn't great, and it wasn't terrible. It was VERY DENSE. I followed this recipe, except this is the flour blend that I used: 1/2 cup arrowroot starch 1/2 cup tapioca starch 2/3 cup of an old rice-based gluten-free flour mix I had open 2/3 cup brown rice flour one cup sorghum flour I may, or may not, take another crack at making bread, you can check in and see! I do try to limit my grains, but I also like the idea of making my own bread when I choose to eat it (if for no other reason than loaves of gluten-free bread are costing at least seven dollars these days!) Lunch - Salad With 'Breaded' Tilapia Ingredients:
Dinner - Tahini Stir Fry
Ok, so this dish doesn't necessarily look amazing, but the tahini sauce IS AMAZING! Tahini Sauce Ingredients (blended up in a high-speed blender):
I fried stir-fry veggies, added the sauce, put it over white jasmine rice, and topped it with chopped cilantro.
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What I EatI want to give you an idea of how to eat healthfully on a restricted diet, without a lot of work, by showing you how I eat! I eat strictly gluten-free. You'll find A LOT of veggies in this blog! I eat both fish and meat a few times a week (local and/or humane, whenever possible), and dairy when I'm visiting family and friends, or eating out. I hope you find this blog inspiring and interesting!
July 2024