![]() ,Jerk Kidney Bean Stew
I have a patient, who is a vegan athlete, who asked me to put together a meal plan for him. It was a great challenge! I did a bunch of research so that my suggestions could be as current, and evidence-based, as possible. It was a great reminder that sesame and chia seeds are top-notch sources of calcium. It also led me to the book 'The No Meat Athlete Cookbook by Matt Frazier and Stepfanie Romine.' Here is a link to Frazier's super informative website. It's an amazing book and resource! It's just the way I try to approach food - making it practical, varied, and healthful. So, this recipe comes from the cookbook, but I modified it so much, I'm actually not certain whether it isn't my recipe now. Also, I can't find a link to the recipe available online. I like nothing more than an easy dish that has new flavours! So, I made this seasoning:
Then, I made the dish itself with:
How I did it:
![]() Lentil Loaf I don't remember my parents ever making meatloaf as a kid, or being served it much as an adult, but I'm certainly enjoying the vegan versions now! A lot of people have difficulty digesting beans and lentils. This can be for four main reasons:
* Side note - Never, EVER, prepare beans at home by just slow cooking them! You've got to bring them to a rolling boil for a few minutes first! Anyway, back to the dish at hand. I used this recipe, with the following modifications: Ingredients
Maple Sweetened Glaze:
Pasta Salad - Christmas Colours Edition
Kind of funny that my last post was a chickpea noodle salad too! I winged this salad, and it turned out SO, SO GOOD! First of all, a shout out to Dags and Willow, where a few of these new (to me) ingredients came from! Secondly, OH MY GOSH these chickpea noodles from Maria's homestyle Noodles were so good. I didn't even understand how good noodles could be. They cooked easily, held their shape, and didn't harden up at all once they cooled down....which is actually a miracle (for those of you familiar with gluten-free noodles). At first I thought they were a bit pricey, but once I compared the package size with Chickapea noodles (see previous post), they're actually about the same price. I have another package of their green pea noodles to try, and I'll report back. I will definitely be placing an online order. Last but not least, thanks to Adoro olive oils and vinegars for their delicious products. Okay, so this salad was made with (rough estimates, I didn't measure):
I'm obsessed with the Sweety Drop peppers too. |
What I EatI want to give you an idea of how to eat healthfully on a restricted diet, without a lot of work, by showing you how I eat! I eat strictly gluten-free. You'll find A LOT of veggies in this blog! I eat both fish and meat a few times a week (local and/or humane, whenever possible), and dairy when I'm visiting family and friends, or eating out. I hope you find this blog inspiring and interesting!
July 2024