Hello! I just wanted to give everyone a reminder about the Environmental Working Group Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen. Produce has become a lot more expensive in the last few months, so it's helpful to be reminded that local, seasonal produce is best for your health and your wallet. Also, this guide lets you know which fruits and vegetables are most important to buy organic (based on how easily they absorb pesticides). Breakfast - Brussells Sprouts and Avocado I made this breakfast with frozen Brussells sprouts. First thing in the morning, I dump a bag of the sprouts into my pyrex baking dish with a bit of avocado oil and bake it at about 375 degrees, stirring once. It usually takes 30-40 minutes. As you can see, I added pine nuts and avocado. Lunch - Mom's Soup I don't know exactly what was in this soup, but my Mom has a knack for making them delicious! She made this soup with fresh veggies, frozen veggies, leftover roast beef, and fresh herbs (I'm pretty sure she used dill in this soup). Soup is a great way to use up all the vegetables sitting in your fridge! Dinner - Rice and Beans
This dish was really easy, and quite delicious! Ingredients -four small red onions, peeled and chopped -one red pepper, chopped -two roasted red peppers (from a jar), chopped -one bunch of cilantro, chopped -four tbsp. lime juice -salt -chimichurri seasoning, to taste (you could easily substitute another mexican seasoning) -brown rice, cooked with the seasoning -chopped chicken (from a previously roasted chicken) -can of black beans, drained and rinsed Instructions I started by combing one part brown rice with two parts water, and the seasoning mix, bringing it to a boil, and then leaving it to simmer until the water was absorbed and the rice was soft. I sauteed the onions with some avocado oil in my cast iron frying pan until they were soft, then added the peppers and continued to saute until the onion had started to caramelize and the peppers were soft. When everything was done I just mixed everything together in a large dish!
What I EatI want to give you an idea of how to eat healthfully on a restricted diet, without a lot of work, by showing you how I eat! I eat strictly gluten-free. You'll find A LOT of veggies in this blog! I eat both fish and meat a few times a week (local and/or humane, whenever possible), and dairy when I'm visiting family and friends, or eating out. I hope you find this blog inspiring and interesting!
July 2024