Jamaican Sweet Potato Poutine
This is one of the most delicious dishes I have EVER made!! I'm always excited when I see Jamaican Sweet Potatoes in the grocery store, because I really prefer them to regular sweet potatoes. Their flesh is less orange, a bit sweeter, and really yummy. These are easy to spot in the grocery store because they have purple skin. You want to make sure that you buy them when the skin isn't too damaged because when they get old they become inedible. I start by peeling, and cutting up, the sweet potatoes. I roast them in the oven around 375 degrees with a bit of oil. Keep an eye on them, because they will overcook and dry out really quickly. I never thought I liked a mushroom gravy until I tried making one! I buy the big packages of 'imperfect' mushrooms from No Frills. I rinse them, chop them up into small pieces, fry them, and then add some water and tamari sauce (a few tablespoons, at least), and then boil them down some more. Right before it is time to put them on the potato, I thicken them with just a little bit with arrowroot powder (but you can use corn starch too). The cheese is Daiya Mozzarella Style Shreds.
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What I EatI want to give you an idea of how to eat healthfully on a restricted diet, without a lot of work, by showing you how I eat! I eat strictly gluten-free. You'll find A LOT of veggies in this blog! I eat both fish and meat a few times a week (local and/or humane, whenever possible), and dairy when I'm visiting family and friends, or eating out. I hope you find this blog inspiring and interesting!
July 2024